I have a few blog sites that may be of interest. I have tested them; let me just say that all offer so many themes that it's almost impossible to choose. Even the free ones are so beautiful that it almost seems senseless to purchase the paid themes. Aside from the themes, each one has its own function and appeal.
I have not yet explored these blog sites to their fullest potentials but if you're interested in any of them, that can be your time to enjoy exploring. :)
1.tumblr- very popular for its micro-blogging. So if you have some snippets, memes, and inspirational photos to share, this may be the place for you. Just a warning though: reblogging is such a common practice here that the originators of the ideas get lost in the over-share.
2. WordPress- similar to Google's Blogger in many ways. I really like the classy and professional looks of WordPress themes, better than Blogger's! However, the customization options seem to be very limited, unless you're willing to pay up $$$. But if you're only interested in putting up some texts and photos, Word Press is really not a bad choice. I, on the other hand, adore personalizing my blogs and would much rather have all those extra options.
3. Weebly- the imagination seems to be the limit when it comes to customization with Weebly. It is a free site for websites and blogs. The new interface may seem quite intimidating at first because of the number of buttons to navigate around but if you are hyper-creative, you may enjoy the options that you have in front of you. You can completely personalize your page to your taste and add motions, tabs, and pages. It's up to you.
4. Blogger- the most comfortable site for me. Google has now made it possible to integrate your Blogger blog with their Google+ features. This is supposed to expand your exposure on the web and increase your audience if you will blog for pay through ads. I personally haven't really kept my blogs up-to-date with that. Anyway, I think Blogger is very easy to use and to personalize, although its interface is quite slow and editing is glitchy.
There are so many free blog sites out there still waiting to be explored! But if you simply want to get started or to commit and grow old with your blog, these are some of your good options. :)
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